The Australian National Foster Care Conference is held every year.
The ACT hasn't sent delegates to a National event since 2007 when the conference was in Melbourne, Victoria.
We (the executive FCA ACT) decided that we would attend the 2010 conference in Hobart in force.
Apart from us there was a large contingent of carers and workers attending from the ACT.
A previous blog Canberra to Hobart gives a summary of our first day in Hobart.
Information on Hobart HERE
On our way to find a bank.
and then off to SALAMANCA Market.
Following taken from market area
Mt Wellington
A local
Happy foster carers with their purchases
Happy because he is eating
The stragglers
Market shopping done we moved on to Wrest Point Casino for the conference.
Overall a good day with several outstanding speakers.
Notice our banner behind one of the speakers who shared heaps of his knowledge on mental health issues.
Saturday evening was a night of fun and entertainment.
Food, music, entertainment, chatter and special awards were the order of the night.
David & I , along with our President Sue, received awards to celebrate 14 years as carers.
I might add that there was an award for a couple who had been fostering for 50 years.
Don't think we will make 20 years let alone 50 .
Sunday was our final day for both the conference and Hobart.

Looking towards the city from Rydges
An unusual paint job
We attended the morning workshops etc and six of us left just before lunch for our flight to Melbourne and then home to Canberra.
A quick stop for a few photos before we get to the airport
Check the tree in the centre of the phoro.
This was our first trip to Hobart and Tasmania and hopefully we will return for a longer stay.